April 27, 2021

April 27, 2021.png

Have you ever felt trapped in your body or like your body was working against you? This is a feeling I had a lot in the past when I was struggling the most with my chronic illness. There was so much that I wanted to do and create, but my body wouldn’t let me. Especially during the years when I had to take medical leaves from college or when I was unable to work, I would curse my body for keeping me so trapped.

This message from the angels is powerful on many levels, but the part that really strikes me is the reminder that our bodies cannot bind our soul expression and furthermore that our bodies wish to work with us. How often do you connect to your body so that it may support you in your journey? How often do you treat it as the sacred vessel that it is?

Today, the angels invite us to call them in so that they may support us to connect to our bodies and discover how we may partner with them. Once you call your angels in, do a body scan and really take time to check in on all areas of your body, including your chakras and energy field. Notice if there’s any resistance to connecting with your body in this way. Notice if your body is sending you messages as you connect. Ask your body how you can better partner with it so that you may fulfill your soul mission with greater ease. Ask your body what it needs from you now. Listen with an open heart and an open mind.

If you wish to take this further, feel and/or envision your soul and body connecting and working together in harmony. As you do this, allow the energy of this partnership to expand so that both your soul and your body rise higher and energetically reach the ends of the universe. Feel the angels filling you with golden healing light as you expand your energy.

This may be a practice you feel called to do daily or any time that you are noticing a disconnect between you and your body.


April 28, 2021


April 26, 2021