April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021.png

The process of awakening and remembering our divine power and worthiness can be overwhelming to say the least. There may be times on your journey that you hear your angels guiding you towards something, but you may not feel ready. Perhaps you are beginning to see how expansive you are and it is frightening. It can be scary to experience our power, especially when we have been disconnected from it for so long.

However you may be feeling in relation to your power, the angels invite you to let go and surrender to wherever you are in your journeys. Instead of trying to see clearly as you connect to the bright light of your soul, breathe and allow yourself time to assimilate to its energy and magnificence.

In meditation, ask the angels to take you on a journey to meet your soul. How does your soul appear to you? Notice how you respond when you meet it. Perhaps you feel called to run forward and embrace it. Perhaps you are overwhelmed by its greatness and feel the need to stand at a distance. If this is the case, notice what parts of you may be resisting the embodiment of your power and ask the angels to provide any needed healing.

Whatever you feel called to do, take time in this sacred space and allow yourself to just sit and be with this incredible light within you. As you breathe, feel yourself gently integrating with this energy. Allow your soul to light you up and illuminate your path ahead. This illumination may happen during this mediation as you sit with your soul or it may come in the days and weeks ahead. Remember that this is a sacred process; trust the unfolding and its timing.


April 30, 2021


April 28, 2021