June 10, 2021

June 10, 2021.png

Is there any area in your life where fear is in the driver’s seat? What would it be like to not just take back control of the car, but to heal the fear so that it transforms back into love? Our fears are often the wounded parts of ourselves - our inner child - doing whatever they can to protect us from being hurt again. How does fear change when you view it in this way?

In meditation, invite the angels to release any tension you may have as they fill you with healing light. When you feel ready, envision yourself in a car with your fear driving. How does this fear appear? What does it look like? It may be a version of you from the past, or it could even be something that you don’t recognize or that even looks threatening. Sometimes our fear can try to scare us as this can be another way to ensure we don’t heal it (a tactic to protect us). If you feel at all scared when seeing your fear, call in Archangel Michael to surround you with extra divine light protection and repeat, “I am safe. I am protected.”

Allow the angels to guide you as you have a dialogue with your fear. Remember that even if it looks scary, it is just like a small child running into their parents’ room - it needs to be comforted. Be the parent here, be the protector. Allow the fear to express whatever is needed, recognizing it may come running up right away for a hug or it could be angry and combative before opening up to any sort of healing. Hold space for whatever it needs.

Feel the angels surrounding you in love, protection, and light as this healing takes place. Be with the fear until it is transmuted and feels safe, heard, and loved. When it reaches this point, embrace your fear lovingly and notice where it wants to go. For example, if it is part of your inner child, it may choose to enter into your heart or solar plexus once it is healed. Then when this feels complete, get back into the driver’s seat and feel the light and power within you expand.


June 11, 2021


June 9, 2021