March 15, 2021
Today the angels share a powerful reminder of how creation starts with each one of us in the present moment. We often focus on the future, striving to achieve something that is out in front of us. For many this can feel like we are lacking something in the now. This tends to become a never-ending cycle of working to achieve a goal believing that when we do we will be complete, happy, or worthy. Furthermore, the future goal becomes like the Siren’s Song; we develop tunnel-vision and are often unable to enjoy the now.
In this message, the angels are not telling us to stop working toward goals. They are instead shifting our perspective. When we remember that we are divine creators (complete, worthy, and powerful) our energy immediately expands. We create from love and worthiness versus lack and suffering.
I invite you to sit with this message today. Feel the dawn of creation within you and allow this energy to expand. When you are filled with the feeling of love, peace, power, and joy then begin to envision what you desire to create. How does the energy shift when you create from this place of expansion? Do you feel called to create the same things? Is there anything you have been striving toward because you have believed it would fix you or make you worthy? If so, ask the angels to provide healing around this and trust that it is done. You are worthy and loved. Breathe, expand, create!