March 19, 2021

March 19, 2021.png

Today’s message from the angels holds so much power, wisdom, and healing. We take so much for granted, especially our own worth. Once again, this message has many layers and I find myself discovering new awareness every time I read it. For example, one thing I didn’t initially realize is that when they mention time they are not just speaking of the number of hours in a day or the choice we make of how to use our time, but they are speaking of life itself. We take for granted the incredible gift it is so be alive and to be this soul, in this body, in this moment.

What new thoughts or ideas come up for you as you read the message? I invite you to take some time to meditate with it today. Where are you taking yourself and your life for granted? Where are you taking others for granted? The earth for granted? How are you being called to honor the sanctity of yourself and all of God’s creations? Allow yourself to receive the healing that this message contains, as well. What gift does it have for you?


March 20, 2021


March 18, 2021