March 31, 2021

March 31, 2021.png

Today’s message from the angels provides an answer to some common questions, such as: how can we be divine creators yet also rest? How can we take action on our goals while also allowing for stillness and surrender?

For today’s meditation, I invite you to ask the questions that the angels pose in their message and allow them to answer them for you. Allow them to provide the healing that is in your best and highest good that will support you to embody both stillness and power. Notice any resistance that you may have to being still and/or standing in your power. Notice any resistance you may have to the idea of embodying both simultaneously.

Perhaps go a step further and greet the dawn tomorrow morning. Be still and connect to its power and stillness. Listen to what messages it may have for you. If you feel called, this can be a powerful day to start your days from now on.


April 1, 2021


March 30, 2021