March 6, 2021
There is no faster way to raise your vibration than to laugh! I love this powerful reminder from the angels. It makes me think of how amazing I have felt when I laughed so hard my side hurt and my eyes filled with tears. I’m more and more aware each day how I tend to take life too seriously. During the day when I realize my body is tensed up and my brow is furrowed the angels have guided me to remember the joy of the moment. This could be something as small as taking a deep breath, putting on a song and dancing, or watching a funny video. Or even better…doing something to make my son laugh, which automatically makes me laugh as well! How do you feel called to remember the joy today? What is something that you could do to invite more laughter into your life? How may you be called to bring more laughter into the lives of others? Have fun today! Laugh!