March 9, 2021

Today’s message from the angels provides deeper wisdom than it may appear. First, we can never be reminded enough of the importance of remembering our connection to one another and to the divine. Yet, what really strikes me about this message is the four gifts that they mention. When I re-read this message after it was channeled I found myself asking why those four things? We are being invited to connect to these gifts and how they show up in our lives. What do the gifts of solitude, peace, community, and comfort mean to you? How do you experience them? Where may you be taking them for granted or failing to acknowledge them in your life? I invite you to take some time today to connect to these gifts and notice what you receive. Furthermore, notice how this process expands your unique soul expression while also connecting you to all that is. Allow the process to be a rebirth for you and for all.

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March 10, 2021


March 8, 2021