May 10, 2021
We all have deep wounds and traumas within us - some that we are keenly aware of and others that we have repressed. Healing these wounds is integral to our journey here on Earth. That said, it can sometimes feel scary or overwhelming to acknowledge them and provide the healing that is needed.
Be gentle with yourself in this process. If it feels aligned, connect with the angels today and allow them to show you the wound that is ready to be healed. Be mindful that they will not take you deeper than you are ready to go. You are held and loved in this process. Feel the healing embrace of the angels as they reveal the area that is ready for healing and open your heart as they guide you to whatever support is needed to heal the wound. This may be support from the angels themselves and it may also include the support of a practitioner on Earth. It could also be a process that you may be guided to facilitate on your own with help from the angels, such as a weekend getaway or healing the wound through things like dance or painting.
You are supported in this journey and you are never alone. We are all here to help heal one another as we heal ourselves. This is a sacred process - trust how it unfolds.