May 6, 2021
Have you experienced the rebirth that takes place when you find yourself in darkness? Even when we are experiencing great joy and ease in our lives there is usually at least one area where we may be challenged or where we are struggling.
Today take time with the angels to connect to whatever may be challenging you now or even shadows that are still within you from past trauma that are ready to be healed. Before fully connecting to these shadows, feel yourself fully relaxing in the arms of the angels as divine healing light wraps around you like a warm blanket and melts into every part of your being. You are fully held, protected, and safe here. You may even want to say in your head or aloud, “I am safe, I am held, I am protected.”
Once you feel at peace and can fully feel the love of the angels surrounding you, ask them to take you to visit the shadow that is ready to be healed. Be open and curious as you connect with this energy and notice what you meet. It could be a version of your inner child in fear, anger, or sobbing in grief. It could be a loved one or ancestor or it could be an emotion, color, or symbol. As you sit with the angels, create space for whatever you meet in the darkness. Listen to them and let them know that you are there for them. You may find yourself releasing emotions during this process as well or approaching the shadow like a parent filled with unconditional love. Trust however you feel called to interact and be with the energy until the pain releases and it is reborn in light. The energy may integrate back into you fully healed or it may release and be taken by the angels to wherever is in the energy’s best and highest good to go.
Breathe knowing that you are always held during any challenges that you face and any traumas that resurface. You are at home in the arms of the angels and all is well!