May 8, 2021
This message fills me with so much joy! We are here to use our voices and express our souls. Imagine all of us doing this with peace, ease, and joy. Imagine how beautiful it would be to come together in this sacred way creating perfect harmony; each individual instrument needed to create the symphony of sound.
When you connect to the angels in meditation today, allow them to send the music of your soul through your entire being. Feel its vibration as you envision your energy expanding out to the ends of the universe and beyond. As you begin to hum with this energetic sound, open your heart and express it vocally. Allow whatever sounds that come through you to be released out loud - as loudly as you possibly can! You may be called to move your body as you create the sound and even create additional sound with your body (patting your thighs, clapping your hands, etc). Continue to expand your energy and feel your vibration connecting with that of others souls on Earth. Envision all of your hearts opening further and the sound melding together in a symphony of sound that would rival the angels. Notice at the end of this process if you have any visions or receive any messages of how you are called to share your music with the world. Be open to receive further guidance on this in the coming days and delight in the process!