April 24, 2021
When I received this message from the angels, I was struck by the part where they point to our layers of protection making it difficult for us to feel the peace that is present within and around us. In my client sessions I have often been shown how the protection that we create around ourselves is often created by emotions, such as fear. The energy of the fear is often tightly wrapped around the soul hindering its expression but also making it difficult for the soul to receive high vibrational energy that may be on the other side of the protection. This brings up so many questions for me, such as, “How can we protect ourselves without stifling our soul expression and blocking our ability to receive?” Then I wonder, “Wait? Do we even need to protect ourselves?”
I invite you to sit with these questions in meditation today. Call the angels in to surround your layers of protection in healing light. Ask them to show you what your protection consists of and to release whatever may be ready to go. Feel yourself becoming lighter as the angels connect you to the energy of peace that is within your soul. Expand this energy as they soften the protection that has kept it contained. Feel the peace within you expanding out beyond your energy field and connecting with the peace energy that surrounds you every day. You may notice the peace energy travel to different people in your life, animals, areas in nature that you enjoy. Notice what happens as the peace from your soul intermingles with the peace of another; watch it multiply and expand. See this peace spreading out to all, beyond the stars, the universe, the heavens. You are one with this energy. You are peace, you are expansion, you are light.
What if when we embody peace, love, and joy, the need for protection diminishes? What if peace is our portal to giving and receiving with open-hearts? It is time to remember what peace feels like and to remember that we have the ability to create it - from our souls out into the cosmos and back again.