April 23, 2021

April 23, 2021.png

When I channel these daily messages, I often channel a number of them at once. I ask for the message to be whatever is in the best and highest good for all to receive on the day it will be posted. Today’s message is powerful and I found it interesting that it speaks to our relationship with the earth but the message wasn’t given for National Earth Day (April 22nd in the United States) but the day after. Once again, this is no coincidence.

It is sacred to have a day to intentionally honor the earth and to encourage citizens to make an effort to care for it. However, we are not called to show our love for the earth one day a year but every day! This is of course also true with the love we show towards one another and towards ourselves.

How are you being called to return to love today? In meditation, connect with your angels and notice anywhere you may be holding heavy energy when it comes to loving the earth, others, and yourself. For example, I know when Earth Day comes around one of the first things I feel is guilt. I feel guilty for while I make an effort there is still so much more I could do to care for the earth. So where may you be holding energy such as guilt, shame, greed, and fear? Be mindful that this energy may be yours but it may also be that of your ancestors and/or the collective. Ask the angels to provide whatever healing is in your best and highest good and feel this healing energy rippling out to all, including the earth.

You may even feel called to make this a daily practice with the intention to return all to love one breath at a time! You are ready: breathe and begin!


April 24, 2021


April 22, 2021