April 22, 2021
How often do you allow yourself to rest? When you do rest, how much do you allow yourself to fully let go and restore? In my healing journey this past month, the angels brought it to my attention that even when I believe I am resting, my body is often still on high alert. They guided me at the time to tell my body, as often as possible, “Body, it is safe for you to rest. You are worthy of this rest and I love you.” This was a powerful affirmation for me to receive and I’m incorporating it throughout my day as often as possible. Especially before I go to bed at night and any time when I notice my body needs rest during the day. It not only gives my body the permission to rest but it also reminds me to be gentle with myself. I often go into a shame spiral when I’m tired as our society teaches us that there is no time to rest if we want to accomplish anything. I’m learning to breathe and to be grateful when I hear the message from my body that it is time to be still. This is truly a sacred process and we must take time to restore ourselves in order to create. We must honor our personal seasons and our cycles of “dusk to dawn.” We are also reminded that our cycles may not be the same as others around us and this is a beautiful thing!
I invite you to sit with this message today and allow it to show you where you are being called to embrace rest and stillness in your life. You may ask your body what messages it needs to hear from you to remember that it is allowed to rest and that this rest is celebrated. Allow the angels to provide any healing that may support you to create the time and space for rest that you need. Remember to be gentle with yourself; this is a practice and there may be some time needed to adjust to this new rhythm of life. The angels are with you every step of the way!