April 3, 2021

April 3, 2021.png

Do you find yourself overthinking or overanalyzing things? As a recovering perfectionist this is something I still catch myself doing more often than I would like. However, since being on my spiritual journey and connecting with the angels, I have found that I am able to release my worry with much greater ease. I used to have trouble sleeping because my mind would race so much. I would often be thinking about things that had happened that day and how I would do them differently or I would be mentally preparing myself for the scenarios that may unfold the next day.

Now I’m able to fall asleep within minutes after laying down. I know that this is due to the healing work I have done that has opened my heart, restored my divine connection, and reminded me how to trust. And that said, I still worry and catch myself hesitating to take action on something because I’m thinking of all that may go wrong. This is a sacred healing process that is still taking place and likely will continue for some time. Yet, I try to focus on celebrating how far I have come and in my moments of worry I remember that I have the angels are there to support me.

Wherever you are in your journey, I invite you to meditate today and to allow the angels to take your burdens away as they reconnect you to your heart. If you have worries on your mind, envision yourself handing them over to the angels. Notice yourself getting lighter as you let everything go. If there is any resistance, ask the angels to heal this and to support you to trust that you are safe and held. Even taking a few moments each day to connect to your breath and hand the angels your burdens can release so much tension and bring you peace.


April 4, 2021


April 2, 2021