April 5, 2021

April 5, 2021.png

The angels remind us that we are love often as it seems to be so easy for us to forget!

In meditation today, fully connect to this love. Notice if there is any resistance to believing that YOU are love. Where are those places of unworthiness that want to push this love away? Is there any part of you that doesn’t feel safe to receive or to express this love? How may you be denying this love in your daily life?

If there is a certain area in which you continue to doubt yourself and feel unworthy, bring it to angels. Allow any emotion connected to this to release however needed. When this feels complete, feel the light from the angels filling you back up and repeat to yourself, “I am loved, I am worthy, I am love. I am loved, I am worthy, I am love.” This can also be a mantra to use at any point during your day when you notice thoughts of unworthiness or self-criticism arise.

Finally, the angels remind us at the end of this message that we are ready. Trust that you are ready to embody the love that you are and the world is ready for it, as well. Honor each step you are taking on this healing journey and know the angels are with you!


April 6, 2021


April 4, 2021