April 6, 2021
There is so much that strikes me in this message, but the part that speaks to me the most is the reminder that there are many stages of creation. The past couple of weeks I have been guided by the angels to take a pause and to focus on my healing. There has been some resistance to this as whenever I take time to rest there is part of me that feels like I’m going to get behind. The deepest part of me knows that this isn’t the case, but the wounded part has trouble trusting the process.
When I’m reminded that there are many stages of creation, I feel a release of pressure and like I can take a deep breath. The angels have reminded us often that part of creation is stillness and rest. We must rest so that we can spring forth with greater peace, ease, joy, and vitality. What stage of creation are you currently finding yourself? Perhaps you may be in multiple stages at once, finding the beautiful balance between hibernation and action.
In meditation today, allow the angels to release whatever may be blocking your ability to rest easy and trust. Envision them surrounding you in light as you enter the magical liminal space; the space in-between. Breathe and check in with your body, mind, heart, and soul. What do you need right now? Is there something that you have been denying or resisting that may support your ability to create with joy? How can you love yourself wherever you are in the creation process at this time?
You are safe. You are loved. Trust the process of your divine creation.