June 16, 2021
How can we begin to see the light within us and within all? Today, start this process in meditation. Take a few minutes, breathe, and call in the angels. Envision and feel them filling you with bright, healing light. As the light moves through your entire being, notice your body relax. Breathe and connect to your heart chakra and solar plexus. Feel the energy here as you see your entire heart chakra and solar plexus light up with bright light. Recognize that this is the light of your soul expression. Feel the energy expand throughout your entire body and beyond out to the edges of the universe.
Now see the light of your soul expression connecting with other humans on Earth. Notice as the light of your soul connects with their energy, their souls light up, too. See this energy flow so that each soul you light up then goes on to light up hundreds of others souls as you do the same. Feel joy, love, and peace grow as the entire world lights up with this energy.
As you go about your day, continue to feel into your heart chakra and solar plexus. As you breathe, connect to the energy of your soul expression. Practice seeing the soul expression of others; take time to see beyond the surface and connect to the energy of their heart. Notice as you do this that you may not only feel compassion, but you may see all those around you with new eyes. This can be a powerful practice to show deeper compassion towards yourself and others as well as a way to create more joy, peace, and connection in your life.