March 21, 2021
“The power is now.” The angels repeat this phrase throughout their message as they want to ensure it is heard. What does this phrase mean to you? For me, it is another reminder that the expression of my soul mission and my divine power is not something that I achieve in the future, but it is already present in this moment, NOW. This is a challenging message for me to internalize as I often find myself anxious to create all that the angels have shown me I’m here to create...I can’t get there fast enough! And when I notice the gap between where I currently am and where I want to be I get frustrated and ask, “What is wrong with me? Why am I not there yet? What am I missing?”
In this message, the angels open a door for us. It is a doorway to a new reality. A reality in which we are able to release our fears, worries, and insecurities; a reality where we can finally breathe and truly understand the meaning of surrender. When we surrender to the present moment with complete trust, joy, and peace, we remember our divine power and we create with greater ease. We are also fulfilled in the act of the creation itself.
For today’s meditation prompt, I invite you to take some time with this message and allow it to reconnect you to your divine power. Envision the doorway that the angels have created. Step over the threshold and notice what you feel called to create in this moment. Finally, focus on the first breath of the creation and release the need to envision the end result and all the steps to get there. With one breath at a time allow your creation to be born and enjoy the sanctity of the process.