March 24, 2021

March 24, 2021.png

I love the imagery of today’s message from the angels. I immediately feel empowered and expansive when I envision the spark of life, and I feel safe, held, and loved when I envision God breathing me into this world.

For today’s meditation, envision and feel the spark of life and the breath of God within you. How do you feel when you connect to this energy? As you do so, notice where in your body you may be feeling tension. You can also check in with your emotional body or your heart, as well. Is there any emotion that is holding on and perhaps resisting this connection? Breathe and feel the light from the spark and the breath of God filling every part of your being. Allow it to spend some time penetrating those areas of tension and resistance. As the healing energy meets the tension, you may feel called to ask if it has a message for you. If you are having any trouble releasing, repeat the phrase out loud or in your head, “I trust. I let go. I trust. I let go.” If needed, carry this affirmation into the rest of your day. Whenever you are feeling any tension, anxiety, or stress, use this affirmation to reconnect to the spark within.

The angels are always with you to support you in every part of your day. May it be filled with peace, love, and joy!


March 25, 2021


March 23, 2021