March 23, 2021

March 23, 2021.png

Imagine what we could create if we all remembered our divine power and released all that is in the way of its embodiment, such as our fear and the belief that we are unworthy. The angels are providing us an opportunity to remember this power and embody it today.

Each sentence in this message is profound and can stand on its own. For today’s meditation, I invite you to read through the message and notice which sentence strikes you the most. Connect with this sentence in meditation and notice what deeper wisdom and healing the angels have for you today.

Some questions you may ask: How does this sentence speak to your current relationship with your divine power? What is ready to release and be healed today so that you may more fully embody this power? How are you called to step forward and create from this power today?

You are a brilliant being of divine light and you are held in this sacred process of remembering your greatness.


March 24, 2021


March 22, 2021