March 28, 2021

March 28, 2021.png

Growing up if anger came up as a topic of conversation I would always feel proud because I “wasn’t an angry person.” It wasn’t until well into my healing journey that I realized that of course I was angry as all people experience anger. I had just never allowed myself to feel or express my anger. I repressed it so deeply I rarely consciously recognized when I was angry. I have since learned how important it is to connect with my anger and to release it in a healthy way.

This message from the angels provides us with a reminder of how our anger can harm us if we don’t release it constructively. In today’s meditation, create a safe space where you won’t be disturbed and connect with your anger. Even if you aren’t feeling angry, ask the angels to guide you to a place within your body where you may be holding repressed anger. As you connect to the anger, ask what message it may have for you; allow the anger to be heard. Now connect to the energy of the volcano. You may feel the anger rising within you and be called to release it. Perhaps through breath as the angels suggest or possibly through movement or your voice. You may also envision the anger turning into lava and going back into the earth to be transmuted as the angels describe. Once you feel complete, be sure to have the angels fill you back in with beautiful healing light.

Thank you for taking sacred time to connect to your emotions today and know that you are safe, loved, and held in the process.


March 29, 2021


March 27, 2021