March 29, 2021
This message from the angels is timely for me to receive. This past week or so I have been in a bit of a “funk” physically and emotionally. There is nothing I need more at this time than to hand it all over to the angels and to allow. Sometimes when we are struggling this can be the hardest thing to do. We may feel that if we hold onto our feelings and burdens that we can somehow control them better. Or perhaps we are afraid that if we fully open ourselves and let go that the feelings will overwhelm us.
Breathe. Wherever you are today and whatever you are experiencing, remember that you are held by the angels and they are here to support you. They are listening and it is safe to let go and to share what is on your heart.
Today’s message is the meditation prompt. I invite you to follow it exactly as written and notice how it feels to let go, allow, and receive the healing energy of the angels. You are so loved!