May 12, 2021
What if we all started each day asking, “How can I love myself today?” This may feel like a self-centered question, but it is just the opposite. When you love yourself more, you have a greater ability to love others more.
Breathe deeply. Call your angels in and connect to the energy of your soul. You may even feel called to envision yourself sitting with a special angel or guide that is assigned to support you in self-love or even sitting with your highest self. When you ask this question, notice the first thing that you receive. This may be a word, an image, a song lyric, or even a feeling within your body. Be open to how the answer comes to you and trust. Now envision yourself doing whatever you have been guided to do. How does it make you feel? Feel this energy expand throughout your entire body and outward beyond the stars and heavens. You are this love always! Finally, create time and space to actually do whatever you were guided to do and know as you do this, the love within your soul is rippling out to everyone.
If you feel guided, do this short meditation every morning and notice what additional gifts you receive. You may feel lighter and more joyful. You may notice those around you are in better moods and you’re having less arguments. You may also notice physical ailments begin to ease. Open you heart and delight in this powerful practice knowing you are held and celebrated in every step!