May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021.png

Forgiveness is a practice that I find myself returning to again and again and again. Throughout the years in my personal healing sessions with the angels, they have guided me to forgive the same person for the same thing multiple times. It is like any healing - there are often many layers and we discover how the wounds we carry are multi-faceted. Remember in these moments to be gentle with yourself. If you feel any frustration about healing the same thing again allow yourself to spend time with this frustration and ask it what it needs. This is so important, but easily overlooked; we tend to either beat ourselves up for “not having healed this yet” or we bypass the frustration and go straight to healing the recurring issue.

In meditation with the angels today, ask them to show you who/what you are called to forgive at this time. Be open as there may be multiple people (including yourself) and multiple things you are called to forgive. Notice how the angels guide you to forgive. For example, they may prompt you to have an imaginary dialogue between you and the other person allowing you both to express yourselves in order to release any held emotions opening up the space for genuine forgiveness. Or you may see Archangel Michael cutting any ties between the two of you and filling you both back in with love. Or they may even guide you to write the other person or yourself a letter (one which you will not send) to express any leftover anger, recognize any gifts you may have received from what happened, and forgive with an open heart. Trust however you are guided and notice how much lighter you feel after this work is complete.


May 14, 2021


May 12, 2021