May 20, 2021
The angels often support us in shifting our perspective and seeing things from a different angle. I love how this message reminds us that with this shift of perspective we can completely alter our path ahead. However, sometimes when we are in the thick of things, it can be challenging to shift our perspective. This message isn’t just about spinning a negative into a positive, but taking the time to connect with our inner power to recognize we have everything we need and more to face any challenges.
In meditation with the angels today, ask them to surround you in healing light as you allow a challenge you are currently facing (or may be expecting on the path ahead) to come to mind. As the thought of this challenge surfaces, envision it as an energetic light form. It could be any color or shape, but see it as light within whatever part of your body is holding it. It could be in your mind, as you are thinking of it, but it could also be within your gut, heart, etc. Envision yourself taking the light energy of this challenge out of your body and handing it over to the angels. See the angels setting the challenge on a table in front of you and then allow them to take your hands. Breathe deeply as they take you higher and higher into heavenly light - as high as you can possibly imagine.
Once you reach this point, breathe here for awhile and feel this healing light entering your body and easing any tension. Envision it moving through your bloodstream, every organ, and every chakra. Then look back down at the challenge on the table miles and miles below you. Be curious. What do you see? You may be seeing a part of yourself interacting with it or even the emotion or belief that you may be holding that is having you face this challenge in a particular way. Notice how small the challenge appears from this vantage point. You are more powerful than you can even imagine and you are fully supported by teams of angels.
As you connect to the divine power within you, ask the challenge what message and gift it has for you. Notice what you receive. You can also ask yourself, “How can I approach this challenge from a place of love? From joy? From light?” As you receive clarity, allow the angels to bring you back down to the table and see the challenge up close but from your empowered state. Embrace the challenge and thank it for the gift that it is and let the light energy of this challenge go wherever is in the best and highest good for it to go. Trust how you have been guided to move forward and remember you are loved and supported in every step of your journey.