May 19, 2021

May 19, 2021.png

What have you had on our heart to create or do that you haven’t yet? What calling has been echoing throughout your being? When I received this message it was clear to me that we are now entering an auspicious time for creation. Keep in mind that this could be something that you are called to create in any area of your life. It could be large or small. It could also include a major transition, such as changing jobs or moving to a new location.

Be sure to take time today to call in your angels and allow them to surround you in loving, healing light. You may even envision it as a type of energetic womb. Be still here and listen. Listen to your heartbeat and breathe. As you feel yourself letting go and releasing any tension from the day, see the angels opening your heart further as they embrace you. Feel the love energy from your heart expanding with each breath out to the ends of the universe. Breathe here and listen to the message that your soul has for you. You already know the answer. You already know the next step. Breathe and receive the message. Feel yourself held and supported and delight as you embark on the first step toward this sacred creation!


May 20, 2021


May 18, 2021