May 18, 2021
I love receiving the comfort that this message provides. When I received it, I could feel the energy of one angel stepping forward to stand in front of me. They reached out their arms and joined them with mine. Then we rose higher as they invited me to look into their eyes.
This is a visual that has been coming up often in my sessions for clients. Usually one angel and/or guide steps forth to join arms with the client. For example, there have been times where it has been Mother Mary, Archangel Gabriel, and even Jesus. Always, they invite the individual receiving the healing to join hands with them and to look them in the eyes.
Why are the angels inviting us to look them in the eyes? When we look them in the eyes, we are able to release all of our fears and concerns related to the past, present, and future. We are able to shift our perspective, to let go, and surrender. We are able to remember we are held, loved, and one with the divine.
In meditation today, I invite you to call in an angel or guide that wishes to assist you in remembering the sanctity of your soul and your worthiness. Notice who steps forward. When they do, join hands with them and look them in the eyes. Notice how the energy within your entire being shifts. Let go and receive. Receive the love and healing they have for you. Receive any messages of comfort they are ready to provide. Receive these gifts with joy and remember you can come to this sacred place and connect with your angels whenever you wish. Be at peace - you are so loved.