May 17, 2021
I have noticed in recent months through my work with clients and personal relationships that so many of us are in periods of major transition. Many people are feeling called to change jobs or move to new locations. Others are remembering their spiritual gifts or new aspects of their gifts and being called to share these with the world in exciting ways. For some of us the next step we are being guided to take is clear but perhaps we question it as we feel we aren’t ready or aren’t worthy. For others the next step may be a bit fuzzy. Or perhaps we feel it is fuzzy, but the “fuzz” is really our fear and doubt - such as fear that we are making the wrong decision and doubt in our abilities to create the work we are here to create.
In meditation with the angels today, bring to your awareness a question you have about any area of your life that has been troubling you or a decision you have been trying to make. Or perhaps a decision you have made but are questioning. Breathe deeply and feel the energy of this question. Where in your body do you feel it? What does the energy feel like? Is it fear? Doubt? Excitement? Anxiety? All of the above? Take some time to sit with the energy while connecting to your breath. Ask the angels to neutralize and clear any emotion around your question that may not be serving you. Feel them filling you with loving, healing light as they release these emotions. You may envision yourself sitting on a mountain top or floating on a peaceful river - anywhere that brings you peace and connects you to the divine power within. You may also feel called to expand the love and power within you (all of your beautiful energy) out to the ends of the universe.
As you breathe and remember that you are one with all and as expensive as the universe, repeat in your mind or out loud, “I honor the deep wisdom of my soul. My soul knows. I trust. I surrender.” Repeat this however many times you need. When you feel ready, bring your question back to your awareness trusting that the answer you seek is within. Listen and notice what you receive. Notice how the answer feels within your body. You may feel moved to tears with a deep knowing that the answer is aligned or there may still be some lingering fear and doubt. If so, call the angels in to show you the root of the fear and doubt and to support you in clearing it.
The angels are always with us, eager to guide us along the way and to support us in restoring our trust in our intuition. You are more powerful than you realize. Trust that you have everything you need and more for this next step in your journey and know that you are loved, protected, and supported always!