May 22, 2021
There may be some of you that read this message and start to well up with tears as the angels have described exactly what you have been feeling the last couple of days or weeks. There may be others that think, “What? I’m actually feeling great right now!”
Whether you are currently experiencing grief, we are all carrying at least a bit of grief from our past. Have you ever found yourself holding back tears or stifling sobs as you wanted to “hold it together” in front of others? Or perhaps even when you have been on your own you have held back tears as you were taught that, “Men don’t cry,” or if you cry you are a “baby” or “too sensitive.” This is common for so many of us as society teaches us that to cry is to show our weakness and if we must cry, we better do it in the privacy of our own homes.
The energy from this stifled emotion can create more harm than we realize. Today, the angels have created a sacred space for you to release this grief in the way that is in your best and highest good. Allow the angels to surround you in healing light. You may even envision yourself laying in their arms. Once you feel safe and held in their love, ask the angels to show you where you are carrying grief in your body.
As they do so, connect with the energy of the grief and listen to whatever message it may have for you. The grief may show you one or multiple times when you were deeply wounded by an event in your life. It may also show you yourself at that age and how this part of you has been suffering ever since. You may feel called to embrace that part of yourself just as the angels are embracing you.
As you listen to the grief and honor its message, feel the angels sending healing energy throughout your entire being but especially targeting the areas where the grief has been trapped. As it clears, feel yourself becoming lighter and rising higher. You are safe, you are loved, you are held.