May 23, 2021

May 23, 2021.png

The angels guide us to connect with the stars often. It is common in meditative practices to connect to the heavens and the earth, but connecting with the cosmos is not always part of our daily practice. It is so important to connect with this energy as the cosmos houses divine wisdom and high vibrational energy that helps to expand our own wisdom and power.

Today, call the angels in, breathe deeply, and connect to the light of your soul. You may see/feel this energy in your heart, solar plexus, or somewhere between the two. Breathe deeply and see your brilliant light expanding through your skin and out into the cosmos. Feel your energy melding with the energy of the stars, planets, galaxies. Dance with these celestial bodies and open your heart to receive their messages for you. There is so much wisdom in all of God’s creations and we are more expansive than we realize. All we need to do is open our hearts and listen to the wisdom that is within us all.


May 24, 2021


May 22, 2021