May 30, 2021

May 30, 2021.png

We often forget that we are a bright light and that we have everything we need within us to meet any challenge that we may face and heal any past traumas that we may be carrying. It is important that as we encounter challenges and as we heal traumas that we call our angels and divine allies in for support. Yet, in this message the angels remind us of our own power to face the darkness we encounter in life.

Take time today to call the angels in and allow them to connect you to your power. Once you ground and connect to the light, envision yourself surrounded by complete darkness. Breathe deeply and connect to your heartbeat. With each heartbeat, see bright white light spreading throughout your entire being. As it spreads, this light also begins to illuminate the darkness around you. Breathe and say out loud, “I am the brightest light. I am life force energy. It is safe for me to shine my light and I do so with joy and ease. I am more powerful than I can even imagine!” As you repeat these affirmations or whichever others feel aligned, envision the bright light within you expanding further and further until it illuminates the darkness. You may even see yourself standing in the “Superman/woman” pose as you vibrate as this pure light.

It is important to also take time to light up the shadows so that you may receive their messages and allow healing to take place, but in this practice the angels are supporting us to connect to our life force energy. It can be helpful to connect to this energy before doing any shadow work and/or any healing work on past traumas. This can also be a practice to do any time you are feeling afraid, overwhelmed, or stressed. You are brilliant light and capable of so much more than you realize. Thank you for shining so brightly!


May 31, 2021


May 29, 2021