May 31, 2021

May 31, 2021.png

This message is such a celebration as it shares our perception is shifting. This is such an important step on our healing journeys; it is part of our awakening and our remembering.

Create sacred time with the angels today to be still and connect to all the doors that are open within you. Feel the angels surrounding you and visualize these doors in front of you. Be curious and take time to travel through a few of the open doors (or all of them, if you feel called). Each doorway is a gateway to remembering your spiritual gifts and soul mission. For example, the doors may lead you to a meeting with a particular angel or guide that has information to share with you about your gifts/mission, to an opportunity for deeper healing, to a past life, and more.

Understand that with these open doors, you are also able to connect to the divine with greater ease; it is an illustration of the veil becoming that much thinner. Play with this practice and notice what new doors appear to you every time you enter this space. You will be remembering and integrating more and more in the coming weeks and months. Have fun and delight in this sacred process!


June 1, 2021


May 30, 2021