Individual Soul Doula
I offer various private session types with both remote and in-person options (Richland, WA). In all of my sessions, I put a “voice to your soul” so that you can receive the guidance and healing that is in your best and highest good. If you believe in angels, spiritual guides, and other beings of light (including deceased loved ones, ancestors, Ascended Masters, etc.), I will also be a conduit for these guides so they may support your journey.
All sessions will include Seraphim Quantum Healing (SQH), Sacred Feminine Embodiment Work, ancestral healing, and may include sound healing and more. Most session types are also audio recorded and the healing provided in the session is supportive every time you listen to the recording (healing deeper layers each time) so you receive many sessions in one.
In person sessions are conducted at my office in Richland, WA. During the session, I will facilitate hands-on SQH while channeling messages from your soul, angels and guides. You will receive a recording of the session so you can re-listen at any time which is helpful as so much information comes through.
Remote sessions will be conducted as an audio recording and will be sent to you via email once complete. During the session, I will channel the guidance that’s in your best and highest good. Even though you are not present in person, you will still receive the healing aspects of the session as though it is hands-on. You can send any questions or intentions that you’d like to explore in the session when you sign up. I also invite you to email me after listening with any clarifying questions or to share a bit about your experience when listening to the session. Please note, you will not meet me live over zoom or phone, so you can schedule for whatever time slot is next available.
In this session, I channel guidance, healing and activation to support you in all areas of life, heal deep traumas, activate your own intuition, and more.
Soul Embodiment Session
Offered as 30-minute ($111) or 60-minute ($222) sessions
Sacred Feminine Rite of Passage Session
This session includes all the components of Soul Embodiment sessions, but they focus on specific Rites of Passages. The 9 Sacred Feminine Rites of Passage include conception, birth, age 5, puberty, sexual union, sacred union (marriage), pregnancy-postpartum, menopause and death. You may choose to focus on one Rite of Passage during our session. You may also choose to focus on other Rites of Passage that may not be one of the “core” 9.
For example, divorce, surgeries, changing careers can also be considered Rites of Passages. In these sessions we hold ceremony for whichever Rite of Passage you choose to focus on. You may work on Rites of Passages you’ve already gone through, ones you are currently in, or ones you haven’t experienced yet. These sessions are designed to heal and reclaim the Rites of Passage for yourself, your ancestors, and future generations and through this reclamation to embody your Sacred Feminine power.
These sessions are conducted at my office in Richland, WA. During the session, I will facilitate hands-on SQH while channeling messages from your soul, the Sacre Feminine Guides and any other Beings of Light that wish to support you. You will receive a recording of the session so you can re-listen at any time which is helpful as so much information comes through.
Remote sessions will be conducted as an audio recording and will be sent to you via email once complete. During the session, I will channel the guidance that’s in your best and highest good. Even though you are not present in person, you will still receive the healing aspects of the session as though it is hands-on. You can send any questions or intentions that you’d like to explore in the session when you sign up. I also invite you to email me after listening with any clarifying questions or to share a bit about your experience when listening to the session. Please note, you will not meet me live over zoom or phone, so you can schedule for whatever time slot is next available.
Offered as 60-minute sessions ($222)
Intuitive Coaching Session
In this session, I support you to gain clarity around various aspects of your life so that you can take empowered action. What we do in our time together may vary each time depending on what would serve you best but can include channeled coaching, guided meditation, mentorship to activate your spiritual gifts and more. Coaching sessions are different from other sessions as we take a more conversational approach, however channeled guidance and healing are very much part of this work as well.
In-Person: These sessions are conducted at my office in Richland, WA. You will receive a recording of the session so you can re-listen to the session at any time and review important take-aways, experience deeper layers of healing and more.
Remote: Remote sessions will be conducted over Zoom and you will receive a recording of the session so you can re-listen to the session at any time and review important take-aways, experience deeper layers of healing and more.
Offered as 30-minute ($111) or 60-minute ($222) sessions
Somatic Embodiment Session
In this session I create a safe space for you to move repressed emotions and deep traumas through the body, to expand your soul, and embody your power. With the help of your angels, guides, and highest selves I will create a custom playlist for your somatic movement experience designed to support you to release stored emotion through the movement and music. While you are moving to the music, I will be conducting SQH and SFEW to further support your healing. It’s also highly recommended to dress as your “Goddess Self” for this experience!
We will meet in the event space at Red Jasper Studios in Richland across the hall from my office. You will have the entire (large) yoga studio to yourself to allow for expansive movement. (Due to renting out the studio space, in-person sessions are offered at a slightly higher rate.)
We will create an altar in the space, set up yoga mats so we can do some hands-on healing during the session (if guided), bring in my drums and rattles we can use if guided to create our own music, and more. You may choose to bring your own recording device and a tri-pod if you’d like to record your session.
For this session, we will meet via Zoom. Be sure you have space available that will allow you to dance and move as freely as possible. I will have my instruments available for the session and will guide you to bring your own (shamanic drums, rattles, etc.) if you have some and feel called to include them. If you’d like, we can record the session for you to watch or move through again. You will also receive the playlist to use any time you feel called.
Offered as 60-minute sessions (In-person $240; Remote $222)
Creative Activation Session
This session is geared to activate your creative expression in all forms. I will invite you to bring to the session whatever form of creative expression most speaks to you. Examples can include painting, drawing, writing, playing a musical instrument, singing, etc. During the session, I will guide you into a meditative state to activate your channeled creative energy and share guidance from your soul, angels, and guides. I will also perform SQH and SFEW (hands-on or at a distance) to assist you to heal the wounds that may be stifling your creative flow and expression.
We will meet in my office at Red Jasper Studios to do this work, or in special cases, we may also arrange to meet in your home (there may be an additional travel fee). You will receive a recording of the session so you can re-listen to the session at any time and review important take-aways, experience deeper layers of healing, and use for future creative practices
We will meet via Zoom and you will receive the healing, guidance, etc. that comes through remotely. You will receive a recording of the session so you can re-listen to the session at any time and review important take-aways, experience deeper layers of healing, and use for future creative practices.
Offered as 30-minute ($111) or 60-minute ($222) sessions
In group sessions, Shelley uses the same techniques that she does in individual sessions, including SQH, SFEW, sound healing and more.
Group Sessions
Couples Activation Session
During these sessions, I will connect with each partner at the soul level along with their angels and guides to channel the guidance, healing, and activation that is in the best and highest good of each individual and the partnership.
During the session we will open to channeled guidance to assist your relationship and may bring in hands-on healing (or remote healing), sound healing and more. We will also work with the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine Rite of Passage of Sacred Union to provide clarity as to what medicine is most needed for the relationship. These sessions can be illuminating to gain clarity as to the root cause of issues that may be arising in the relationship, including ancestral patterns and past life experiences. The goal of these sessions is to create a greater sense of empowerment in each partner as well as to create soul-centered communication. It is important that both partners give their consent and are involved in the session.
We will meet at my office at Red Jasper Studios in Richland, WA. You will receive a recording of the session to listen to as often as you feel guided to assist in healing deeper layers.
We will meet live over Zoom for the session. If possible, it is ideal if both partners are in the same space as one another.. You will receive a recording of the session to listen to as often as you feel guided to assist in healing deeper layers.
Offered as 60-minute sessions ($222)
Parent-Child Session
During these sessions, I connect with souls of the parent(s) and the child in order to receive the guidance, healing, and activation that’s in the best and highest good for all involved.
These sessions are designed to help the parent(s) have greater clarity on how to best support their child through any challenges they may be facing as well as overall support for their journey as they grow. The sessions also provide healing for the parent so that they feel empowered in supporting their child and show up as their best selves (versus their wounded selves) in their relationship with their child. In this, ancestral patterns are also healed. Please note that if the child is over 18 years of age, I will need their permission to conduct the session
We will meet in my office at Red Jasper Studios in Richland. It is up to the parent whether or not it feels appropriate to have their child attend the session. If the child does attend, I can administer hands-on healing (if aligned) to the child directly and it will also allow the child to share their experiences throughout the session. However, in some cases, it may be best for the child not to attend and in this case, they will receive the healing remotely. The parent can also determine whether or not it may be appropriate to share the recording of the session with the child. If you have questions on what would be best, I’m happy to assist you.
Remote sessions will be conducted as an audio recording and will be sent to you via email once complete.. Even though you and your child are not present in person, you will still receive the healing aspects of the session as though it is hands-on. You can send any questions or intentions that you’d like to explore in the session when you sign up. I also invite you to email me after listening with any clarifying questions or to share a bit about your experience when listening to the session. Please note, you will not meet me live over zoom or phone, so you can schedule for whatever time slot is next available. If you feel strongly about meeting via zoom for the session, please reach out so we can discuss further and determine the best set-up for your session.
Offered as 60-minute sessions ($222)
Mother Baby Sessions
During these sessions, I connect with the soul of both the mother and baby in order to receive the guidance, healing and activation that its the best and highest good for both. These sessions help the mother and baby to strengthen their soul connection so that there can be a more conscious communication between them in-utero through postpartum and beyond. These sessions also assist the mother to trust her own intuition and to feel greater empowerment through pregnancy, labor and postpartum. In these sessions, the baby is also able to communicate any wishes they may have for how they would like their birth experience to go. In this childbirth truly becomes a sacred dialogue between mother and baby so that they both me be embodied during the entire process.
During the session we will open to channeled guidance to assist your relationship and may bring in hands-on healing (or remote healing), sound healing and more. We will also work with the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine Rite of Passage of Sacred Union to provide clarity as to what medicine is most needed for the relationship. These sessions can be illuminating to gain clarity as to the root cause of issues that may be arising in the relationship, including ancestral patterns and past life experiences. The goal of these sessions is to create a greater sense of empowerment in each partner as well as to create soul-centered communication. It is important that both partners give their consent and are involved in the session.
In person sessions are conducted at my office in Richland, WA. You will receive a recording of the session so you can re-listen at any time which is helpful as so much information comes through.
Remote sessions will be conducted as an audio recording and will be sent to you via email once complete. Even though you are not present in person, you will still receive the healing aspects of the session as though it is hands-on. You can send any questions or intentions that you’d like to explore in the session when you sign up. I also invite you to email me after listening with any clarifying questions or to share a bit about your experience when listening to the session.
Please note, you will not meet me live over zoom or phone, so you can schedule for whatever time slot is next available.
Offered as 60-minute sessions ($222)
If you would like to do deeper work on your relationships, you may consider a Custom Package to set up monthly sessions to best support your journey. Learn more here.